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Your ELD Questions Answered

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Data Blocks

This week, the product and marketing teams at Teletrac Navman hosted a webinar on the ELD Final Rule, breaking down this rule into its components and helping carriers understand how they would be affected. With three panelists and an hour allotted, we, unfortunately, weren’t able to answer all questions submitted. Here are some of those questions, with answers provided by our team. The issues below are common sources of discussion when it comes to the ELD Final Rule and we hope this makes ELDs clearer for your organization.

What does engine synchronization mean for the purposes of electronic logging device (ELD) compliance?

Engine synchronization means the ELD can automatically record engine power status, vehicle motion, miles driven and engine hours. This helps verify the Hours of Service data that the ELD records.

Why must an electronic logging device (ELD) collect engine hour data?

Engine hours allow managers to cross-check the odometer data collected by the ELD. Having two points of reference for vehicle use ensures Hours of Service records are accurate.

Does the electronic logging device (ELD) rule require real-time tracking of commercial motor vehicle (CMVs) with ELDs?

The ELD Final Rule does not require real-time tracking of CMVs. When transmitting data to officials, ELDs limit location information to protect drivers’ privacy. However, carriers can use ELDs to track their vehicles in real-time to enhance their business performance. Carriers can use this data as they wish, as long as they do not harass drivers or violate federal regulations.

Are Canada- and Mexico-domiciled drivers required to use electronic logging devices (ELDs) when they are operating in the United States?

Canada and Mexico-domiciled drivers are required to use ELDs when operating in the United States. They are not required to use ELDs if they fall under one of the exceptions of the ELD rule. A driver operating in more than one country can note this information within their ELD’s records.

Is there an exception to the requirement to use electronic logging devices (ELDs) for drivers who infrequently use records of duty status (RODS)?

There is an exception for drivers who use RODS infrequently. If a driver is not required to use RODS for more than 8 days in any 30-day periods, that driver is not required to use an ELD. This exception also applies to drivers who use time cards rather than RODS.

What is a “grandfathered” automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD)?

If an AOBRD was installed before December 16, 2015, it is considered “grandfathered.” In this scenario, carriers may continue using an AOBRD until December 16, 2019.

What must a driver do with unassigned driving time when he or she logs into the electronic logging device (ELD)?

Drivers must review all unassigned driving time when logging into the ELD. If the unassigned time belongs to the driver, the driver must add this time to his or her record. If the time does not belong to the driver, the driver must make an annotation in the ELD record to indicate this.


Teletrac Navman is working hard to make sure carriers get the most possible out of the ELD Final Rule. Stay on the lookout for future content that covers federal compliance and regulations. Our team is dedicated to providing clear, accurate, and useful information that helps carriers stay safe and make compliance an inherent part of their business. Keep an eye out for future articles and webinars that delve into this important topic.

Click here to learn about the Teletrac Navman ELD compliant solution.

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