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Top CVSA International Roadcheck Violations, 2016-2018

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The Commercial Vehicle Safety Association (CVSA) Annual International Roadcheck Inspection kicked off in the first week of June 2019. During this 3-day annual event, which is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world, the CVSA conducts over 62,000 roadside inspections. 

Since 2016, the most common out-of-service (OOS) violations for both vehicles and drivers have remained fairly consistent. For vehicle violations, brake systems and adjustment violations combined regularly beat out tire and wheel violations. In 2017 and 2018, the CVSA further found lighting, cargo securement and suspension (in different orders each year) round out the top five most common vehicle OOS violations. 

Meanwhile, Hours of Service (HOS) violations have consistently topped the driver OOS violations chart, with wrong class license violations a sustained second. The in-depth 2017 and 2018 reports also found false log book recordings as the third most common driver OOS violation with a reported 11.3% in 2017, and 10.2% in 2018.

Sources: CVSA International Roadcheck 2018, CVSA International Roadcheck 2017 and CVSA International Roadcheck 2016 

To learn more about how telematics can ensure your fleets are prepared for CVSA Roadcheck Inspections, please visit: Fleet Intelligence

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