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Helping Drivers Complete DOT Inspections

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Data Blocks

New technology seems to be popping up in every business and government agency in recent years. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has revamped its inspection process with a new tool that they hope will speed the inspection process. They are piloting a program in Arizona using technology to pre-inspect all trucks and identify which trucks need to enter a full inspection.

The state is planning three such electronic inspection sites, each one along a major route for truck traffic. At each site, sensors buried within the roadbed will be able to automatically depict if passing trucks are compliant or not. Furthermore, roadside cameras will be able to identify information about each truck and run it through the DOT’s database to check whether the driver has all proper paperwork on file. When the system identifies a problem, it lights a pair of electronic signs directing the driver to pull into a nearby inspection station.

The system only operates when the associated inspection station is open. Trucks that pass their inspections can go on their way without incident.

The electronic inspection sites are not yet operational, but the cameras are already up.

Regardless of highway cameras and sensors, fleet managers can ensure their drivers are compliant with Teletrac’s GPS fleet tracking software.

Teletrac keeps paperwork an easy process by automating record-keeping and providing simple, electronic forms. Lost or forgotten forms largely become a thing of the past. Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) offer electronic vehicle inspection reports that drivers can complete right from their in-cab. DVIR features the Department of Transportation’s mandating logs that detail the vehicles’ daily safety issues and vehicle operation.  The process is easy for drivers. The service also makes it possible for fleet managers to check up on drivers’ Hours of Service (HOS) compliance in real time so they can spot violations quickly and correct them just as fast.

Additionally, these tools make it possible for fleet managers to identify vehicles that need urgent or routine maintenance. Catching repairs before vehicles break down can save big in the long term. And in case a fleet manager needs to pull up inspection reports from the past, or organize them for the future, reports can be filed electronically for daily, weekly, or monthly. Perhaps most importantly, fleet managers can identify the safest, most compliant drivers and reward them with incentives, thus increasing driver retention and building a stronger workforce.

No carrier wants its drivers to get a violation from the DOT. With GPS tracking software, carriers can help drivers with electronic tools that can make their job more efficient and automatic. 

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