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Fostering A Culture Of Teamwork With GPS Tracking Software

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Data Blocks

Culture- it’s the current buzzing word in business. In fact, Merriam Webster Dictionary named culture as the Most Popular Word of 2014. And according to a recent Deloitte study, 88% of employees and 94% of executives think a “distinct workplace culture is important to business”.

So, what is a workplace culture? And how can a business with a fleet of vehicles optimize their company culture with a GPS tracking solution?

An organization’s culture is a set of collective values, beliefs, and ethics particular to a company. There are numerous factors that contribute to this collective, including language, symbols, and systems. As a whole, culture is an important dimension of business practice as it helps employees align their work processes with the company, and build a unified sense of positivity and productivity in the workplace.  

GPS tracking software is a tool to help fleet owners build collaboration among drivers, fleet managers, and other business associates to cultivate a company culture based in cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork—the kind of culture that can support long-term business success.

There are numerous GPS tracking solutions that offer various tools to help accomplish this. Teletrac provides solutions that optimize fleet operations and lay the foundation for successful fleet culture. With high driver shortage looming across the industry, Teletrac’s Fleet Director platform offers in-depth fleet data that monitors business inefficiencies, including fuel waste, idle time, driver safety scores, and reports. The cumulative data empowers fleet managers to evaluate costs and collaborate with drivers to create incentives—such as bonuses or gift cards—to help retain drivers and create an atmosphere of efficiency and high-value customer service.

Teletrac’s Safety Analytics Event Viewer replays unsafe driving events including speeding, harsh braking, and stop sign violations. By monitoring driver habits, fleet managers can detect who is practicing safety, and who is not. This data opens the door to driver training and coaching. Not only can accidents be reduced, but coaching and training programs entrust drivers with a greater feeling of control. It emphasizes the fact that employees and management have the same goal—the safety and success of the driver—and fosters a workplace culture that treats the entire company as a team.

The metrics and data collected in a GPS tracking solution can be filtered through to drive change and improve safety across an entire fleet. This collaborative practice between fleet managers and drivers enables a positive company culture based in teamwork, optimizing business success for the long-term.

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