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Driver Behavior What You Dont Know Can Cost You

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

In a perfect world, company drivers would always observe posted speed limits, avoid harsh braking and excessive idling, and otherwise be model citizens behind the wheel. But we know that doesn't always happen – and when it doesn't, it wastes fuel as well as compromising safety.

The cost can be high. Driving 10 mph over the limit increases fuel consumption by 15%, according to the EPA. Reducing speeding on roads with speed limits over 55 mph alone saves an average of $21,000 to $80,000 per vehicle in fuel bills. And that doesn't count the savings on vehicle maintenance or accident avoidance.

Companies that use fleet tracking technology to optimize their fleet operations can solve the problem by using the same system to monitor driver behavior. Reports based on metrics gathered by the system's GPS tracking units and in some cases connected sensors can identify habitual speeders and idlers, zero in other bad habits like harsh braking and high RPMs, compare individual drivers against fleet averages, and more.

Armed with proof, you can take action to cure offenders of their errant ways using both the carrot (training) and the stick (penalties) when necessary. It may be tough to teach an old driver new tricks, but the first step is knowing who has a lead foot or a tendency to leave a truck idling during a sales call. If you have a fleet tracking system, that information can be just a few clicks away.

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