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TN360 - Inspections App

Inspection to resolution simplified

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Key Takeaways

The TN360 Inspections App is a flexible tool that simplifies vehicle inspection and maintenance processes. The app enables drivers to complete a digital inspection from their mobile device, with the data instantly sent to the TN360 maintenance platform. Fleet managers get complete visibility across vehicle inspections and the ability to seamlessly create maintenance activities to fix issues that are raised. The driver interface is easy to use and walks drivers through the inspection process, giving them the ability to add photos for items that fail the inspection.


The Inspections App is a tool that allows drivers to complete and store daily inspections that are needed for compliance, safety and business operations. The app allows drivers to easily complete pre-built inspection forms and instantly send the data to the TN360 maintenance platform. Fleet managers can be alerted to failed inspections and seamlessly create maintenance activities to quickly fix the any issues raised. When the maintenance activity has been completed the next driver of the vehicle is asked to confirm that the issue has been resolved.

Key features include:

  • Easily create customized inspection checklists
  • Fully integrated with the TN360 maintenance platform
  • Easily turn failure notices into maintenance events
  • Next driver confirmation that reported issue has been resolved

Inspection App Process


Businesses see an instant impact by removing paper processes that delay data capture, prolong the administrative burden on their drivers and are prone to data loss. Creating digital inspection processes improves the accuracy of the data captured, ensures that information is instantly accessible, increases visibility into maintenance issues and ensures that action is quickly taken to correct safety issues.