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Tracking Your Dog with GPS

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

By Sid Nair

Tracking Your Dog with GPS

Pet owners have a responsibility to keep their animals safe, ensuring they are always protected from physical harm. Unfortunately, some dogs are more rambunctious than others, making the job of being a good pet parent harder. GPS devices make it easier to keep track of a pet. To fully appreciate the benefits of tracking one's pet, it's helpful to understand the many reasons why it's necessary.

Noise Anxiety

Some dogs are easily startled by loud or unexpected noise. This is called noise anxiety and it affects approximately 40 percent of canines. This condition can make one's pet suddenly take off running if startled. A GPS tracker makes it possible for pet parents to quickly track and find their frightened pet.

Every Second Increases the Risk of Harm

Dogs can go missing at any time, including when their owner is at work or otherwise away from home. When that happens it can be hours before they realize that their pet isn't where it needs to be. Every second that a pet is missing increases the chances of them getting hurt or even killed. Fortunately, some GPS trackers may send out notification so that people know their pet has escaped.


When pets accompany their owners on trips they often have various opportunities to bolt. This is especially problematic when people are unfamiliar with the location and potential dangers of an area. Additionally, if a missing pet isn't found in a timely manner, it runs the risk of being left behind. With a tracker, these concerns are greatly reduced.

When Dogs Give Chase

For certain types of dogs, the need to chase other animals is a matter of instinct. When these dogs are struck by the need to give chase they can quickly run away and disappear. Dogs that are on a leash can even take their owner by surprise and pull free. Even if they haven't gone very far a GPS tracker can cut down the amount of time spent searching for them.

Digging and Jumping Dogs

Fences are a common solution for keeping dogs in their own yard and out of the street. And while they are successful at doing this much of the time, there are some dogs that have the ability to jump over fencing, and there are others that will aggressively dig beneath it to get out. Digging and jumping can be shocking the first few times and frustrating when it becomes routine. A GPS collar may help owners recover their escaped pet.

Open Doors

Typically, when people visit they are courteous enough to close the front door when they enter. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case and accidents happen. When this happens, there's a chance that the family pet may wander outside without being seen.


Animal theft is a growing problem. Because pets can be sold to anyone, including people wanting a specific type of pet and laboratories, there's a market for criminals to make money. Some may even hold a family's pet until a ransom is paid. People may steal animals that are unconfined even knowing they are not strays. Microchipping and GPS tracking may deter a thief or help owners recover their stolen pet.

Activity Changes

In addition to tracking a dog's location, GPS has other features that are highly beneficial and even potentially life-saving. Certain GPS trackers are also able to keep track of a dog's activity level and alert the owner to irregularities or changes. This is important as changes in an animal's energy levels can be a sign that it is suffering from some type of health issue.

Unknown Behavior

In most cases, people are familiar with how their pets behave and how they are likely to respond. When a pet is adopted, however, these things are unknown. The unpredictable nature of a new pet's behavior requires monitoring that GPS tracking devices can provide.

Pet Sitters

Often, pet owners hire people to provide services for their pets while they are at work or even if they are away for several days. These people include pet service providers such as pet sitters and dog walkers. While in the care of these individuals, dogs may find a way to get free, and, in the process get lost. With GPS, pet parents can ease their mind and keep track of their beloved pet when they're in the care of someone else.

Preventing the Loss of a Family Member

Pets, for many people, are like their kids. Just like human children, pets are constantly at risk and require the protection of those who love them. To fully protect and prevent the loss of a four-legged family member, use GPS in conjunction with other safety measures.

  • How to Keep Your Dog From Escaping: Pet owners who click this link can get valuable information about why and how dogs escape, plus they can learn a few helpful training basics.
  • The Canine Escape Artist (PDF): Families that want to keep their pets safe from the dangers associated with escaping the yard should read this fact sheet for information on why dogs escape, how they do it, and if or when correction is needed.
  • My Dog Gets Out of my Yard, What Can I Do?: People who visit this page on the City of Casa Grande website can get advice on what can be done to prevent dogs from getting out of their yard.
  • The Canine Escape Artist: Click this link to read an article that discusses social isolation and other reasons why dogs escape. While on the page, site visitors can also read recommendations for preventing escape and guidelines regarding escape-related punishment.
  • Lost Pet: How to Find a Lost Dog or Cat: Pet parents who have lost a pet should click this link to the Best Friends website where they'll find information on how to find their lost dog or cat.
  • Thirteen Things You Can Do to Find Your Lost Dog or Cat: Families who visit this page on the PETA website will discover thirteen things that they can do to find their lost pets.
  • Pet Home Safety: Are You Prepared: Individuals with dogs can click this link for a list of 7 food items that they should not feed their pet and 7 ways to pet-proof their home.
  • Seven Things You Can Do to Keep Your Pet Healthy: Pet owners can get tips on how to keep their pets healthy by clicking this link to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation website.
  • Travel Safely and Lawfully With Your Pet: Click on this link to read up on how to travel safely with pets by following the law.
  • Traveler's Pet Corner: Before traveling with a pet, click this link to read key considerations regarding pet travel as well as how to prepare and deal with airlines.